brand recall

Tips for Increasing Brand Awareness

90% of organizations say that their goal is to increase brand awareness, according to Hootsuite. But why is brand awareness important? I think that’s obvious really. It helps your audience know who you are. They can recall your brand off hand and the more people that can do that, the more revenue you will receive. If your brand is at the top of their mind, they are more likely to buy from you than another. Ok, so it’s definitely important but now how do you go about achieving it? There are many ways but we will start with a quick guide of the ways that we feel are top priority to help get you there.

Brand Recall

Content is Queen! “Did you know that 65% of people are visual learners and 94% of all communication is visual?” (Vennage). There are many benefits of visual marketing versus pure text as we all now know, but it’s important to make your brand memorable through your visual content advertising. People remember things visually so brand recognition is vitally important. Customers are more likely to remember your brand’s advertisements if they’re associated with something that they can recall easily because it caught their eye in some way. Was it different in some way? Did it make them think and use some brain power? Were they connected on an emotional level?