gun law

Friday Favorite 5/27/22

This week’s Friday favorite ad is not so fun. However, in lieu of the events in Texas this past week we felt compelled to share of our thoughts. This week’s ad is the March for our Lives PSA Addresses Uvalde Tragedy. The ad talks about the meaninglessness of “thoughts and prayers.” The March for our Lives Foundation laid out body bags on the National Mall to make a statement that literally nothing has changed over the years as these acts of gun violence continue to happen. The sad part is that this ad was created back in March and has just resurfaced due to the tragic events that occurred again this week. “In the 62 days since these body bags were laid in front of the Capital, 1 person was shot dead and 4 critically wounded in Laguna Woods, CA. 11 people were shot dead in Buffalo, N.Y. 21 people were shot dead ion Uvalde, TX. Including 19 children.” (Adage). It’s time for some real change in this country with respect to gun laws and it’s time that our senators begin taking this seriously. The video ends with a plea that these senators vote on background checks to purchase a gun. The proposed Enhanced Background Checks Act of 2021 has been sitting on their desks since it conception. Others in this country are also pushing for the ban of assault weapons. We implore you to watch this video on CNN from Senator Chris Murphy of Connecticut if you already haven’t. These mass shootings only happen in this country. Something is wrong. Something has to be done! We have to start taking real steps towards fixing this issue. Our teachers and children should not be afraid for their lives at school! Now is the time for change! This influential ad was created by McCann-New York.