Friday Favorite 9/23/2022

This week’s favorite is a tribute to Serena Williams and her recent retirement. She is a role model for women and athletes all over the world! She leaves behind a legacy of a changed world because she refused to become the status quo. She remained true to herself despite all of the odds. The Nike ad coined with the tagline, “She didn’t change who she was-and that changed everything, for all of us,” was created by advertising company, Wieden+Kennedy Portland.

Friday Favorite 9/16/22

This week turns to women’s retirement inequality awareness for TIAA. The ongoing campaign, #retireinequality coined this powerful piece, “The Dress.” In a collaboration between The Martin Agency and fashion designer, Fe Noel, they constructed a dress made of paper bills. The dress totals up to $1.6 million dollars, which is meant to represent the amount that women will lose for their retirement over their lifetime due to the 30% wage gap.

Friday Favorite 9/9/22

This week we turn to the fashion industry. Did you know that, “every 25 minutes, an Olympic size swimming pools worth of crude oil is used in the production of synthetic clothing?” We knew that the fashion industry was terrible for the environment but had no idea that it was this bad!

Labor Day 2022

Every year, the first Monday in September is set aside as an annual celebration of the social and economic achievements of American workers. Today we take a pause from our regular broadcast blog to talk about Labor Day: its history, its founders, etc. it has been recognized long before it became an official holiday on February 21st 1887 by the state of Oregon.

Friday Favorite 9/2/22

With the recent release of the prequal to Game of Thrones, House of the Dragon, we felt compelled to feature one of their newest advertisements for the show. We’re not going to lie, we’re really big fans of both! This ad was featured on Official Media Samosa. This interactive ad was located in Brazil and features a black, melted bus stop billboard as part of the piece.

Friday Fun Favorite 8/26/22

This week is a fun one from European Legal Group ARAG called, “Legal Needs Are in Your Future.” Featuring the infamous Sanderson sister, Mary from Hocus Pocus, Kathy Najimy, as she acts as a comedic fortune teller giving out legal warnings to her clientele.

Friday Favorite 8/19/22

“The Monster” campaign was created from the region of Attica, Greece where the recycling rate is only 19%, and 79% of their waste ends up in landfills. So much plastic ends up in the ocean, killing sea life all over the world. Geologists are seeing plastic become part of rock formations. It’s absolutely maddening. This campaign is to raise awareness on the importance of recycling.

Friday Favorite 8/12/22

This week’s favorite should resonate with any working professional in today’s society. The print ad for the new Adsum + Timex MK1 watch takes a jab at the Apple watch stating, “Know the time without seeing you have 1,249 unanswered emails.” In the world of digital everything, this ad is spot on in the emphasis of digital detox. The sleek and simple watch design looks as though it could be a smart watch at first glance. We love this campaign and it definitely resonated with us. We hope you like it just as much as we do!

Friday Fun Favorite 8/5/22

This week we’re taking a different direction with the fun favorite going to Zippo. We’re going to talk about two different campaigns. One print and one video. One old and one new. But both creatively badass. The first talks of the amazing story of a Zippo that worked after being taken from the belly of a fish. This throwback was done in the 1960’s when a man was fishing for pike.

Friday Fun Favorite 7/29/22

We thought this week we would switch it up and do a throwback favorite from 2011. The ad was named, “What Will Your Mouth Go Through Today?” This campaign was done for Listerine and depicts the different items that you put in your mouth throughout the day. There were three prints done. T

Friday Favorite 7/22

Food gives us all the feels. It taps into all of our senses and invokes emotional responses. A restauranteur in Philadelphia has opened a one of a kind restaurant, Feeladelphia. Inspired by Philly cream cheese, the menu is curated by Jeramiah Stone and Fabian Von Hauske Valtierra.

Friday Fun Fave 7/15/22

This week we turn to a print ad campaign that is nostalgic in its own way. This ad was illustrated by Aspire Doors, UK and showcases the first products of certain brands, such as Nintendo. It was shared on Media Samosa’s Instagram feed. It was surprising to see what many firsts that every day household name brands created first. Sony’s was a rice cooker created in Japan in 1946. Nokia created toilet paper in Finland in 1865. Take a quick look to see how these iconic brands began.

Friday Fave 7/8/22

We know we’ve been doing a lot of blogs lately on women. With women’s rights issues in American now how could we not? Sorry not sorry but we promise that next week we will switch it up for you. This week’s campaign favorite is on beer. The history of beer that is and how women were involved in bringing it to the United States. Without women there would be no beer! Let’s face it, without women there wouldn’t be a lot of things.

Friday Fun Fave 7/1/22

This week’s Friday favorite isn’t very fun but in light of recent events of the overturning of Roe vs Wade, we though it appropriate to choose one that shed some light on what this may mean for American women. Planned Parenthood did an ad predicting the “Dark Storm” of the Supreme Court decision. The ad background has the news reporting abortion rights and recent decisions of the Supreme Court as the narrator states, “we’ve all felt this storm coming. It’s been building for a long time.” After this the narrator states that, “Together we’re a force of nature!” as women take to the streets protesting. “We’re built for this. We don’t stand by, we walk into the storm and turn its raw force into something transformative!” It’s a powerful campaign that promotes action! We stand behind their “ Bans Off Our Bodies” movement! This link is where you can find resources on how to support abortion moving forward. This compelling advertisement was created by Virtue Worldwide.

Friday Fun Fave 6/24/22

This week’s favorite is titles Liquid Billboard by Adidas. This amazing advertisement aims to make women feel more comfortable with their inclusive swimwear collection. “32% of women globally say they don’t feel comfortable swimming in public,” according to the ad.  We recently wrote a blog that talked about audience engagement. This is the perfect example of that! Women of all shapes and sizes jumped in for a few laps instead of the typical models that we see on these types of ads. Their swims were visible to all and streamed live online. How cool is this interactive advertising!?!? Not to mention that it promotes body positivity on so many levels.

Friday Fave 6/17/22

Father’s Day is a few days away, so what better ad to spotlight this week than one that promotes celebrating dad’s day everywhere! Our Friday favorite this week is for Oreo titled, “Milk’s Favorite Cookie!”

Friday Fun Fave 6/10/22

This week’s Friday favorite is from Liquid Death water brand. The brand did a bold ad where they have people do a blind taste-test that had people vomiting… Literally! This one is not for the faint of heart but man it’s a belly laugh kind of ad. In order to hype up their new sparkling water the put it next to “The Most Expensive Beverages on Earth.”

Friday Fun Fave 6/3/22

This week our Friday fun favorite is one to kick off Pride Month! The “Taste so Good” music video for Cann, a cannabis beverage, and Weedmaps weed delivery service is a catchy hit!

Friday Favorite 5/27/22

This week’s Friday favorite ad is not so fun. However, in lieu of the events in Texas this past week we felt compelled to share of our thoughts. This week’s ad is the March for our Lives PSA Addresses Uvalde Tragedy. The ad talks about the meaninglessness of “thoughts and prayers.” The March for our Lives Foundation laid out body bags on the National Mall to make a statement that literally nothing has changed over the years as these acts of gun violence continue to happen. The sad part is that this ad was created back in March and has just resurfaced due to the tragic events that occurred again this week. “In the 62 days since these body bags were laid in front of the Capital, 1 person was shot dead and 4 critically wounded in Laguna Woods, CA. 11 people were shot dead in Buffalo, N.Y. 21 people were shot dead ion Uvalde, TX. Including 19 children.” (Adage). It’s time for some real change in this country with respect to gun laws and it’s time that our senators begin taking this seriously. The video ends with a plea that these senators vote on background checks to purchase a gun. The proposed Enhanced Background Checks Act of 2021 has been sitting on their desks since it conception. Others in this country are also pushing for the ban of assault weapons. We implore you to watch this video on CNN from Senator Chris Murphy of Connecticut if you already haven’t. These mass shootings only happen in this country. Something is wrong. Something has to be done! We have to start taking real steps towards fixing this issue. Our teachers and children should not be afraid for their lives at school! Now is the time for change! This influential ad was created by McCann-New York.

Friday Fun Fave 5/13/22

This week we’re taking a new direction for our fun favorite pick of the week. With summer right around the corner we are all very much looking forward to sitting out in the sun enjoying time with family and friends. We just came across a new ad by Guinness beer created by Abbott Mead Vickers BBDO.