Electric Lead Magnets

If you’re in any industry we probably don’t have to tell you what a lead magnet is. They’re a great way to offer some value for potential customers in exchange for their email. This helps you grow your database and your business. There are a few ways to go about creating a lead magnet for your brand that include eBooks, whiteboards, coupon codes, case studies, cheat sheets and/or newsletters. It’s important that your lead magnets do a few things in order to attract your audience. Here are some ways to create a killer lead magnet that people won't be able to resist.

LinkedIn Takes the Lead

89% of B2B marketers use LinkedIn for lead generation and 62% say it generates them leads, over 2x’s more than the next-highest social channel according to the Wpromote State of B2B Marketing Report. Why is LinkedIn taking over for lead generation? Well, there are a couple of standout reasons that make it the best for B2B leads. First, you should know that their lead conversion rates are 3x’s higher than major ad platforms. Here are some other great reason why they’re perfect for generating B2B leads.