
Content Strategy Tips in UGC Campaigns

will it resonate with your audience, it will increase their trust in you if done correctly. UGC campaigns require careful planning. Each piece of content must be curated before it is licensed. Let’s say you’re getting ready to plan your first UGC campaign. You’ve finally gotten the C-levels on board and are ready to start. Now what?

1.     First, research is key. You must find out who your customers are and what makes them tick if you don’t already know this. this way you can tailor your content to what will strike a chord with them. Will they enjoy seeing something that will tug on their heartstrings? What about something funny?

Don’t Be a Car Salesman: Best Sales Practices for Your Brand to Follow

Ahh, sales. Nobody loves it. Well, maybe some people do. Those people are born with a certain knack for it and are probably in roles that are specific to that. However, if you’re an entrepreneur, sales are part of your job to grow your business and it may not be where your strengths lie. It is a necessary evil, and a very important one at that to drum up new business and succeed. If you’re one of these people, do not fret, there are some tactics that you can take to keep up with best practices in sales. Here are some of our tips.

Scratch Baking: How to Build an Email List

Email marketing is one of the most effective. A stat according to Statista said that “companies make an average of $36 for every U.S. dollar they spend on email marketing.” That’s some pretty good ROI, right?! But… how do you get a quality email list? First, you have to get quality contact information. Second, you need relevant prospects who will want to buy what you are selling. Lastly, you will need to grow that quality, relevant list to BIG numbers. Here are a couple of ways to start an email list for your brand.

Marketing Mix Modeling

The purpose of marketing mix modeling is to understand how various marketing inputs are driving the business metrics of a product or service. A simple way to put this is what is working and what’s not? Otherwise known as MMM, it will determine how each marketing input is contributing to a sale. In turn, you will determine how much to spend on each aspect. There are incremental drivers and base drivers that promote marketing techniques.

  1. Incremental: generated by marketing activities like TV, print ads, digital spends, discounts, social, etc.

    1. ATL (above the line) marketing: non-targeted with a wide reach

    2. BTL (below the line) marketing: specific, direct ads on targeted audience

    3. TTL (through the line) marketing: mix of both

    4. Competition

    5. Halo effect

    6. Cannibalization effect

**more on these last two in future articles**

  1. Base drivers: reached without any ads. Equity over years being the driving factor

    1. Price

    2. Distribution

    3. Seasonality

    4. Macro-econ variables

There are a few reasons to implement MMM, some of which we mentioned already,

  1. Efficient spending

  2. Efficient execution of campaigns

  3. Scenario tests

You can really go down the mix marketing rabbit hole online. There is a vast amount of knowledge out there on the topic that includes words like regression analysis and mathematical equations. We only wanted to touch the surface of the MMM waters in order to hopefully inform someone who didn’t know about it. Now it’s your turn to dive in.