Tubefilter recently wrote an article on trending topics in 2023. Actionable entertainment was listed as one of their top three topics. It makes sense. People don’t like being sold to anymore. Their interests lie in being entertained through authenticity in order to connect with a brand and its ideals. Advertisements should be created with this in mind. You want to, “deliver it like an ad, but (be) loved like entertainment,” according to TikTok. Let’s break down this term actionable entertainment starting with the word actionable
Topical Content
There are so many types of content out there nowadays so, what in the world is topical content? Topical content is relevant to current events or timely topics. Think about things that are currently trending. Writing, vlogging, news stories, videos or even advertisements can be done on trending topics. These would all be considered topical content pieces since they focus on current news/trends. So, let’s talk about some of the advantages and disadvantages of writing topical content.
Trending: The Importance of Keeping Up with Industry Trends
Trending [tren-din] adjective: 1. Emerging as a popular trend. 2. Widely mentioned or discussed on the internet, especially on social media websites ( This popular term is quite new, but we’ve all heard it by now. Being a successful brand leader in your industry means being adaptable and open to change. This is why following what’s trending is important.