Trending 2023: Actionable Entertainment

Trending 2023

Trending 2023

Tubefilter recently wrote an article on trending topics in 2023. Actionable entertainment was listed as one of their top three topics. It makes sense. People don’t like being sold to anymore. Their interests lie in being entertained through authenticity in order to connect with a brand and its ideals. Advertisements should be created with this in mind. You want to, “deliver it like an ad, but (be) loved like entertainment,” according to TikTok. Let’s break down this term actionable entertainment starting with the word actionable. Actionable (ac-tion-able) adjective: capable of being acted on. Your advertisement should be inviting to be acted upon. Entertainment (en-ter-tain-ment) noun: something diverting or engaging, such as a performance, lightly comic or adventurous. These are the Merriam Webster definitions just an FYI. So, if you put these two terms together your advertisement should be fun and engaging to watch that also invites the audience to act upon it through viewing. I mean, really isn’t that the goal of all ads, to have someone purchase the product through good advertising? It seems easier said than done. Like we said, traditional ads are starting to fall short with younger audiences. They want to be entertained and not sold to. They don’t trust brands that over produce their shoots. They crave real people with organic content because they trust them. They relate to them. Found content for advertisements is going to shine in 2023 for this reason. We’ve always known how effective it is and now the world is beginning to follow suit. We’re happy to see UGC coming to the forefront of the ad space for 2023 and beyond!