Trends shift so very quickly in our society today. It’s important to stay on top of what’s hot and what’s not in the advertising world. Every few months we do a dive into what is important to consumers and the trends that they’re following. Here is what we found as we’re about 4 months into the year so far.
Trending: The Importance of Keeping Up with Industry Trends
Trending [tren-din] adjective: 1. Emerging as a popular trend. 2. Widely mentioned or discussed on the internet, especially on social media websites ( This popular term is quite new, but we’ve all heard it by now. Being a successful brand leader in your industry means being adaptable and open to change. This is why following what’s trending is important.
Trending Video Marketing Investments
As we always say here at Locomotive, video content is King! It continues to be the top way to market to brand audiences. However, there are so many different styles of video marketing to consider now, so what types are brands investing in this year? Here is a quick list of our top three trending video marketing styles that brands are investing in.