Our monthly newsletter came from Adage, which always leads to thought provoking articles. The article that caught our eyes this month is the hot topic of “greenwashing” or “greenshaming.” A shift has recently happened where companies have decided to cut back on their sustainability efforts and/or stay their course without sharing the process publicly. This has come as a result of backlash from certain political views and/or companies that have a vested interest in practices that do not promote sustainability. As a brand that prides itself on its green efforts, we believe that sharing your process to combat climate change is important. Although, some may not agree, it could hurt your image in the long run with your loyal audience. The idea of “greenwashing” is just as it sounds. We would define it as making someone seem as if they’re pushing their values of being “green” onto others and “brainwashing” them into believing the hype that they do. “Greenshaming” is the process of shaming others for not using sustainable practices. Neither are something that we promote but we also feel that these terms have been over exaggeratedly conjured by those who have opposing views about being green and are trying to downplay the climate crisis that we all should be taking very seriously. It’s not really a matter of deciding whether climate change is real or not, because, it is. It’s been proven time and time again with science. Those who choose not to join the movement are simply those that favor profit over people because it is the human race who will ultimately suffer in the long run. Our company believes that sharing sustainability efforts with its audience is something that shows authenticity and transparency. This creates trust. It also holds them accountable. If brands make their sustainability goals public, they will do their best to reach them when the whole world is watching. Staying true to yourself as a brand will help you succeed.