We’ve written about bridging the trust gap between consumers and brands previously. However, another way to strengthen trust in this way is through ethical advertising. The Institute for Advertising Ethics was established to ensure that brands are advertising in a truthful, fair and equitable way. We’re pretty certain that if you’re an advertising agency you already know this, but even though this organization exists to keep brands and agencies in check, it’s interesting to note that when creating advertisements, “most professionals are only influenced by legal considerations; ethics exerts a relatively minor role,” according to a research study. This topic has not been exhausted as many are still very skeptical of the ethics of advertising. Now more than ever, if done correctly, can be an way to build continued trust between your brand and its audience. A few ways to practice ethical advertising is to attract your customers through transparency with accurate and honest information. Always avoid deceptive advertising and make sure that you ensure the privacy of customer data and their information. With the removal of 3rd party cookies, this last one has never been more crucial. These all fall under the eight ethical standards from the IAE. Another one to consider in today’s social climate is to practice safe production and safe use. According to Forbes, “73% of millennials are willing to pay extra for sustainable offerings.” It could be argued that a new ethical way to produce, do business and advertise is to consider the environmental impacts your brand has due to the climate crisis we are now in. Ethical advertising means always doing the right thing! Your brand needs to be honest with their audience, always, without losing sight of brand purpose. 63% of people have stopped purchasing from a brand because they lost trust and 69% would never purchase from them again for this reason” (Microsoft).