What’s the main reason you watch video content? Is it to be entertained? To escape from your daily life? To learn about a new brand or product? If you said any of the above, you’re not alone. The answers from most people are all of the above. Turns out that 32.8% of consumers watch videos to help them relax and unwind followed by 26.3% who want to be entertained or laugh, according to HubSpot. Video content has changed so drastically since the creation of the internet. It’s really hard to believe that it’s only been around for 30 years or so. Wrap your mind around that for a second! Video content now rules the web, so how is it changing today? First, it has become the most dominant form of entertainment and people have become reliant on it. 26% of consumers rely on social video platforms to find out about products according to Channel Factory. Another thing that has changed recently is that production value matters more and famous people matter less. According to HubSpot, 36% of consumers say production value is somewhat important and 28% say it’s very important. A Google survey showed that production value ranked #10 in terms of importance and famous actors ranked all the way at the bottom as #20 to consumers. Lastly, short-form video! Screaming it for those in the back. Between 1-3minutes is the optimal time for videos to catch your audiences’ attention and keep it. Any longer and you risk losing them. In the advertising world, we all know that video content is king. Keeping up with trends will keep you brand successful in its marketing and advertising strategies.