AR & VR: What is the Difference & Why is it Important in Marketing?

Well, from all the science fiction movies over the years, I think we all understand what virtual reality is. It’s a software that immerses the user completely in a 3-D environment that is interactive in a 360-degree way. A good example of this is the Get Supernatural Fitness experience. Augmented reality is slightly different from that. This virtual space layers elements on top of a real-world scene in order to use the space they’re actually in while changing elements of the experience. Pokémon Go is an example of this digital reality experience. Let’s dive into how each type of these digital reality experiences can be used for marketing.

Augmented Reality:

1.     Try before you buy scenarios: Augmented reality can create a digital shopping experience where the user can try things out before they purchase. For example, they can use a photo of themselves to try on different styles of sunglasses before even stepping foot into the store. It’s already being used in these situations, such as cosmetic sampling and trying on clothing.

2.     Branding materials: Augmented reality can add digital elements to a real-world scene. We see this all the time where video or photos add a virtual element onto the scene.  

3.     Save on marketing costs: Due to the virtual nature of augmented reality, it can save the brand immense amount of dollars on their marketing spend. It creates a targeted and personalized approach without spending tons on traditional media.

Virtual Reality:

1.     Virtual tours: This offers a digital experience in place of a physical one. Augmented reality can use this as well. The difference lies in the immersion. VR takes you fully into the digital alternate world with no sense of the physical around you. AR only superimposes the content over the reality of our physical.

2.     Use it to tell your brand’s story: Creates a high emotional effect on customer and helps your brand stand out from all the rest. Memorable advertising, such as VR are engaging and give a more in-depth look. A study for Omni Hotels showed that those who experienced a VR tour were 67% more inclined to book a room at their hotel (Trade Force 306)

The science fiction of the past has now become a reality in our present. Things that we thought were far-fetched 20 years ago aren’t so far-fetched anymore. It’s interesting to note that people may actually prefer one over the other though. When asked, most people say they prefer VR. “They enjoy it for taking them to a different and entertaining world. An escape from reality if you will. They’re usually more familiar with VR as well and believe that the graphics and visuals are better,” according to Hubspot. While we don’t think that one is better than the other, they both can have a place in marketing and advertising strategies. Cheers to embracing the future!