What is an impression share? If you’re in business that advertises you probably already know but for those that don’t, it’s the percentage of impressions that your ad receives compared to that total number of impressions it could get. It gets this through comparing it to other ads in a similar category. It’s calculated by dividing the number of impressions gotten by the number it has available. The available impressions are determined by things such as targeting settings, approval status and quality, according to Google. There are also different types of impressions shares, such as search, exact match, display impression share, etc.
1. Search impression Share: Group of search-related websites where your ads can appear. This includes Google apps, Google search results and partner websites. This one can affect the brand budget.
2. Display Impression share: Display Network of over 2 million websites that reach up to 90% of people on the web. Can increase ad placements to show ads in particular context or to target audience.
3. Search Lost Impression share: percentage of impressions that you’re missing out on because of the budget.
4. Exact Match Impression Share: compares the impressions received versus how many it was eligible for.
5. Target Impression Share: Automatic approach to bidding on ads.
So, why are any of these impression shares important? Well, it can give you an idea of why keywords are working or not. If your impression share isn’t coming back with those positive numbers your brand was looking for, don’t fret because there are ways to improve them. You can adjust the geotargeting setting by decreasing the area that will serve your ads to a smaller audience. Second, you can improve on ad quality. Getting the right impression shares is important to gauging your ad performance in order to improve it in real time. Maximize profits through efficient effort! We can help with this by providing all of your found content needs!