Earth Month 2023

The theme of this year’s Earth month is “Invest in Our Planet.” This directive is targeting everyone from individuals at home to business at the workplace. We’re going to focus on the latter for the purpose of this article. We want to participate in Earth month this year through raising awareness of ways to be greener in business practices. Here is a short list of some tips to help get you get started.

1.     Choose sustainable suppliers: these products use less energy and produce less waste. These types of suppliers are more common than they used to be so it’s not hard to find them. They may cost a little bit more but it’s worth it to do your part!

2.     Use energy efficient office equipment: energy star certified is the way to go. Not only will it save you money using less energy, it will help create less CO2 emissions.

3.     Video meetings over in person: it’s now possible to meet with people over zoom or some other meeting interface. There’s no reason why meetings can’t all be done this way to save the company money and save the planet

4.     Offer hybrid work options: it’s no secret since the pandemic that hybrid work lowers the carbon footprint of businesses around the world. Less commuting means less vehicles on the road, which means less CO2 in the air.

5.     Rethink paper: recycle office waste. Landfills are a huge part of the methane gas production that contributes to CO2 problems. If you recycle paper that means less trees are cut down and in turn, less CO2 production in the process of manufacturing it. Also, rethink if you really need to print something and take notes on a computer.

6.     Give reusable merch to your employees: make brand merch that your employees can reuse, such as grocery bags and water bottles.

7.     Have fun contests: do a Verdura Venerdi (That means veggie Fridays in Italian) or Meatless Mondays. Offer a prize or provide the meal yourself.

There are many benefits to increasing awareness at your business on climate change and ways to help reduce the effects through daily acts. Sustainable business is no longer the option as consumers want to support brands that take hard stances on difficult topics, such as climate change. They will only support those businesses who talk the talk and walk the walk. Will your brand be at the forefront of the green movement?