We’ve all heard the saying, “Know your worth,” but how can you actually apply this in the business world? Well, one answer could be creating a solid value proposition. A value proposition summarizes why customers should choose your product or service. It will highlight the ways that you stand out from your competition and how that can benefit your customer. A great value proposition is specific, focuses on the problem(s) it solves for the customers and should be front and center on your site. Here are some of our tips to writing a good value proposition.
1. Use your customers voice: how would your customers describe your brand? How does it improve their lives?
2. Speak clearly: keep it concise with a few sentences highlighting the product, who should buy it, how it will solve and when it solves their problem and finally, why they should buy it from you and not someone else. Answering these questions will create a solid proposition for your audience.
It seems like a short list but there is a lot of work to be done in these two steps. Identifying your audience voice may require gathering information from them in order to better understand how they feel about you. Once you start to write it, it’s important to answer the questions listed above in bullet point two. This can also take some deeper diving to understand what the answers are and then how to convey them as efficiently as possible. The home page on our Locomotive website is a good example of a value proposition. We clearly state who we are, what we do and how our business works. This pulls the reader in to diver further down the site for more information on our services. Although our services are catered more to a B2B the concept is the same for any brand.