What is “No Mow May?” This new monthly trend for the month of May this year is for the planet health. Although it started in 2019 in the UK, we’ve really only been hearing the term thrown around a lot this year. The idea is that people are allowing their lawns to grow without mowing, watering or fertilizing. Yes, your lawn may look a mess but it’s for a good cause. It helps bees get an early boost with flower growth. It’s estimated that roughly 80% of lawns taking part support about 400 bees per day. It will also decrease pollution from lawn mowers and why would you even want to use chemicals on your lawn to begin with honestly? We know that this doesn’t have much to do with advertising or user-generated content but businesses can take part in this as well. Brands can also promote this through advertising and WOM marketing in order to increase the number of people participating to do good for the planet. We got to this article a little late this year but hey, better late than never. Next year we’ll be shouting to the rooftops about “No Mow May” earlier. And who knows, maybe you will decide to go with less lawn to support sustainability causes.