Digital Brand Protection

We’ve written articles on brand reputation in the past and how important it is to success. That being said, the digital space can ruin it in mere seconds. So, how do brands go about protecting their name on the internet? Well, there are so many variables to be considered, such as reviews, cyberattack, etc. but the short answer is digital brand protection. It is simply defined as the efforts of a brand to protect its intellectual properties, such as name, logo and any content related to the brand online, although it is much more complicated than it sounds. Here are some things that a brand will have to look out for when protecting their IP’s online:

1.     Fake website

2.     Counterfeit products/services

3.     Trademark abuse

4.     Copyright infringement

5.     Social media impersonation or impersonation on any level digitally

Here are some best practices to ensure that your brand is doing all it can to protect the brand online.

1.     Register copyright, trademarks and patents

2.     Establish monitoring

3.     Secure your social media handles

4.     Have NDA’s in place

If you don’t feel that you have the man power to keep up with digital protection then that’s ok. There are plenty of companies to outsource protection from. They will cover everything from keyword monitoring to pattern recognition to find counterfeit listings. Not only do they monitor they will remove them and report them in order to keep your brand name intact. Aside, from this it’s your job to keep your online brand reputation upheld through reviews and social media engagements. In the digital era that we live in today, all of these are crucial to a brand’s success.