How AI Will Affect SEO

AI seems a bit scary but it will come with some benefits and trust us when we say it will come. People are already utilizing artificial intelligence in advertising and marketing. It’s pretty much inevitable that it will become part of our daily lives in the not so distant future. So, with that, how will it affect SEO? This is what we found.

1.     Better user experience: improved personalized content and quality of interactions

2.     Voice search optimization: with Siri, Alexa and Google Home voice search has improved

3.     Greater understanding of language: provides more accurate answers to user questions

4.     Accuracy: because AI can analyze massive amounts of data at once it makes it easier for search engines to provide precise results.

As uncomfortable as it may be for some, AI isn’t going anywhere. In fact, chances are we’re just getting started. Sometimes if you can’t beat em’, join em’. AI can provide benefits for business other than a positive tool for SEO performance.