Digital privacy has been a hot button topic for a while now since third party cookies have been phasing out on Google with their official start date of zero third party cookies in 2024. Digital privacy is not only important for individuals, it’s important for brands as well. Every action that we take is tracked. We all leave a digital footprint that can identify us. It’s for this reason that it can be easily stolen. That being said, one of the most important reasons that brands must protect their data is because they collect multitudes of data on every customer they have. It’s not only the brand’s data it’s their entire audience’s information as well. We’ve all heard of data breaches that have happened on a mass scale and millions of peoples private banking information was stolen. It’s this reason that businesses must have high digital privacy practices. There have been a ton of bills that people have tried to pass in D.C. but all to no avail from disagreements. That means it is up to the organizations to protect digital data. This is where data solutions companies come into play. They are outsourced and they specialize in data security, such as Threat Detection and Response that helps employees monitor possible threats. It’s also important that your staff be trained on data security. It’s crucial for your brand to understand the possible threats of data leaks in order to prevent the PR nightmare that it will be if it occurs. Not to mention the millions it could cost to reverse the damages.