Foot in the Door Method

What in the world is foot in the door method? Well, the idea is that if someone will comply with a small request then they are likely to comply with a larger request later. Obviously, not all foot-in-the-door methods are unethical. The famous test was conducted by Jonathan Freedman and Scott Fraser when they went to homeowners in Palo Alto asking them if they would put up a large sign in their yards that said, “Drive Carefully.” Only 17% said yes. The second group was asked to place a small 3” sign in their windows advocating safe driving. They almost all agreed. Then, after two weeks that second group was asked to put up a large sign advocating safe driving and 76% of them said yes. This was proof that this method does, in fact, work. At the core of this method is the principle of commitment and consistency which serves as the customer’s first action. This sets the precedent for their behavior and attitude toward the brand. They almost feel obligated to complete a second task asked of them by the brand since they’ve already committed to them. In order for this to work in marketing the first action must bevoluntary! If the first action is public, personal, or expensive, the more likely they will commit to a second action. Here are some ways to invest in the foot-in-the-door method.

1.     Use sign-up forms: this helps secure leads as well but aside from that it gets the customer to commit to signing up, even if it’s free.

2.     Offer something free: this can be in the form of a free consultation, free samples with a purchase, etc. when they start their online shopping journey.

3.     Remind them of their purchases: this can be in the form of reviewing something they purchased from your brand but it also reinforces their bond with your brand.

4.     Make good recommendations: think of Netflix. They always want you to rate something you watched in order further personalize your experience with them so they can recommend more things that may interest you. Another example is how Amazon suggests, “Customers who bought this also bought ___ item.” This will strengthen the bond between the brand and the audience.

The most important thing about this method is that you get your audience to volunteer something to start. That’s the only way it will work. It makes them more likely to purchase something larger from you later on. Always get feedback and personalize their experiences as well. Remind them that they are not just numbers on a spreadsheet. Humanizing their experiences with your brand will increase their loyalty to you!