We recently wrote an article with some tips to become a better public speaker, which is very important in business. But, no matter how many times you have given a big presentation, your nerves most likely won’t go anywhere. This is a good thing. It means that you care. You want it to go well. That said, sometimes the anxiety can cause you to bomb or affect your confidence. So, how do you calm your nerves down before presenting? Here are some ways to help curb the nervousness that comes along with public speaking.
1. Focus on deep breathing: Take deep breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth. A good 4-second count in and out as you breathe. This helps regulate your heart rate, blood pressure, and stress. You can do this before, during, and after speaking.
2. Stretch: Do this before the presentation. This can help with your body language to be more relaxed and natural. It can also improve posture.
3. Visualize: See yourself in the first person giving the presentation to the group in a confident way. The first person is important here. Make sure you aren’t visualizing in the sense that you’re watching yourself from the outside like a movie. Engage the audience and see positive outcomes, such as applause. This can help curb negative emotions.
4. Positive affirmations: These reinforce strengths and goals. Write them down and put them in places where you will see them often. We like to put them on the bathroom mirror, and in the car, and we state them aloud before bed and after waking. An example of a positive affirmation is, “I speak confidently and with conviction.”
Public speaking is never easy but you can use these tips to help manage anxiety that inherently comes along with it. Following these guidelines can help your presentations flow more naturally so that you can focus on your message. Remembering the value that you have to offer your audience is important to keep in mind as you present. If you make a mistake during the presentation, don’t freak out. You’re only human and mistakes are bound to happen. Let it go and move on to the next section. Redirect your focus and keep it organic. Practice makes permanent and the more you do it, the better you will get!