Otherwise known as MarCom, marketing communications refers to the combination of promotional tools, channels, messages, and media that brands use to communicate with their audience. The role of marketing communications is to:
1. Shorten sales funnel
2. Increase customer loyalty
3. Increase brand awareness
4. Create a demand for products/services
5. Reach the right people
6. Promote brand innovation
Advertising falls under the umbrella of marketing communications as well as digital marketing, direct marketing, public relations, sales promotion, and branding. Marketing communications strategy falls under the Four P’s. We’ve talked about the Four P’s in past articles, but now it has been updated to the Seven P’s, which are:
1. Product
2. Price
3. Promotion
4. Place
5. People
6. Process
7. Packaging
Marketing communication channels are important because they are the foundation of all brand marketing. The beauty of the digital age is that you can reach much larger audience pools through social media channels with your marketing communications. Traditional channels, such as print, radio, and television are no longer required to reach your target audience. This is why user-generated content advertising is just getting started. All brands, large or small can benefit from a digital marketing strategy. With UGC, your brand can leverage low-cost digital marketing ads while increasing brand reputation and consumer trust. Pew Research’s recent study showed that “26% of people are online constantly and 43% are on at least once a day.” Digital communications marketing also extends to B2B with some slight differences. B2B will be more logic-focused than emotional. They will also take slightly longer because more than one individual will be involved. The bottom line here is marketing communication strategies have changed vastly over the last decade. Traditional marketing communications aren’t a thing of the past but rather no longer a requirement and can supplement digital marketing efforts. UGC has a place within this new marketing communications world. If you would like to learn more feel free to contact us.