Tailored Advertising

Think of your brand as a personal tailor for each customer of your audience. Your brand voice should remain consistent but customizable to communication style depending on your audience. Think of it like this, you’re selling the same suit but have to tailor that suit to fit each person differently. Same messages but different deliveries based on a particular group’s interests, perspectives, and backgrounds. Here are some tips to help you tailor your advertising efforts.

1.     Know your audience: This may seem like a no-brainer but it’s extremely important. Who are each group? What are each group’s needs? What motivates each group? What are each group's values and beliefs? You need to segment your audience into different groups with similar interests, etc.

2.     Use the right language: Speaking the language of your audience will help connect with them on a humanistic level. This is why it’s important to segment them. The language you use for your boomer generation will not be the same for Gen Z.

3.     Social proof: Knowing which group identifies with which influencers and creators will make a difference. Age and other factors, such as sex, race, etc. General reviews will be generally useful for all groups but specificity here can make the difference on whether they truly trust your brand.

Emphasizing the needs of individualized groups of your audience will ensure that your ads don’t fall on deaf ears. It will be more effective than generalizations made on your audience since it will reach them more personally. It will also help your brand to reduce financial waste.