Found Content: Recession Proofing Costs

Americans feel terribly about the state of the economy right now. We can’t say we disagree. Just this week we wrote an article  on holiday consumer spending trends during times of financial distress this season. Advertising agencies and brands are not immune to the economic hardships that we are all currently facing. Everyone is navigating budget cuts for advertising spend. This is yet another reason how found content in your marketing and advertising strategies can help recession proof your brand’s budget this year. The cost effectiveness of UGC makes for a good plan to combat these budget cuts and rising cost of production.

Let’s break it down for you. Most produced commercials can cost anywhere between $5,000 and $20,000. But, depending on the resources used, it can hike up to $50,000-$100,000. That’s seriously a lot of dough for something that’s going to last a roughly 60 seconds! UGC campaigns can run anywhere from $3,000 to $25,000. Starting costs are much lower for UGC campaigns than a produced one. Even the highest amount that you could possibly pay is way under top dollar production shoots. Of course, there will be editing costs and some others associated with them in post, but it still won’t rack up to what a production team would cost you, plus actors, plus post. You get the idea.

There is also evidence that the ROI on found content campaigns is very high in comparison to money spent, according to case studies conducted by Pixlee. So, not only do you spend less of your budget, you see higher returns. This means higher engagement, high click through rates, high return to site visitors, more credibility. We could go on for a while. We love found content. If you think that your brand would benefits from found content campaigns, please don’t hesitate to reach out this holiday season and let’s get a conversation started. Happy Holidays!