Feel Good Friday: Sparking Creative Inspiration

 It’s time to spice things up again here at Locomotive. Every Friday for the next few weeks (maybe months) we will be focusing on topics that will inspire you. Today, our first topic will be ways to spark inspiration for all our creatives out there. Let’s face it, we all suffer from lack of inspiration here and there so it’s always nice to have something you can fall back on when these creative blocks hit and the deadlines are creeping in. What in the world is inspiration anyhow? Let’s define it. It has been defined by psychologists as a motivation from external sources that cause someone to have an idea and/or creatively produce something. We’ve done some digging on ways to spark creativity when you’re in a rut.

1.     Journal. Seeing your thoughts written down can offer insight into new ideas. Free journaling is recommended. Just grab a pencil and get going. Don’t think about what you’re writing just let it flow. We like to use the laptop since it’s faster to get our thoughts out than with typing than actually writing. Not only does this help spark new ideas, it clears your mind and lets you see a clearer picture of things. We highly recommend doing this not only to spark creative inspiration.

2.     Mix up your routine. Doing the same thing over and over day in and day out can feel like you’re living in the movie Groundhog Day. No wonder our creative juices stop flowing here and there. It’s important to shake it up in your personal and professional life. Try a different order in your routine. Go for your run in the morning instead of after work or try to change the order of your daily work flow. Maybe take a later or earlier lunch. Things that may have worked for you in the past may not be working now. We adapt quickly and become complacent. We get bored. You can’t expect different results doing the same things you have always done. 

3.     Spend time with artists or other creatives in your field. Everyone thinks and creates differently. Spending time with other creatives will allow you to bounce ideas off one another and potentially spark new ones. It’s not only good for this but important to spend time with like-minded individuals in your field, so it also benefits your networking practices. 

4.     Rearrange your space. Look up some basic Feng Shui. What usually gets your inspired n the physical sense? Imitate that and attempt to recreate it. Add some living things to the area. What better to inspire thoughts than vegetation? If you want to get really deep with this, certain plants possess certain properties. For example, mother-in-law’s tongue acts as an air purifier. There’s no better way to provoke creation than something that does just that.

5.     Branch out into new styles of music. Who doesn’t like to discover new jams that they vibe with? We enjoy all styles of music but of course, we have our favorite go to’s. Switch up the style of music that you find yourself listening to often. Throw in some bluegrass or dive into something cultural, such as Afro-Caribbean. Get crazy!

6.     Meditate. The benefits of meditation reach far beyond promoting creativity. It reduces stress and allows you to see new perspectives. It increases self-awareness by focusing on your breath and letting go of thoughts. It’s a great way to clear your head. Again, something we recommend doing not just to motivate creative thought.

7.     Try something new. We love trying new things! Adventure tends to spur new thought processes. Typically, you’re learning something when you try new things. It gets your mind working and, most likely, unlocking potential brain power in new ways.

These are just a few ways to inspire creativity when you’re stuck. Adding on to this and creating your own list is a great way to combat blocks. Think back to some times when you felt your most creative. What were the circumstances? Write them down. What were you doing when you had that really brilliant idea? This will give you insight into what works for you. You can use that. Happy creating!