Do you know the difference between race and ethnicity? A lot of people are unaware that there is a difference between the two. Race is the division of different groups of people based on physical characteristics, such as skin color, eyes, etc. Ethnicity is a social group of people that share a common and distinctive culture, religion, language, etc. For this reason, African American is no longer an accepted term for people of color. Actually, 1 in 10 Black Americans are foreign born from many countries around the world and therefore, black is a more inclusive, widely accepted term now. Brands are now actively pursuing to reach their Black consumer market more than ever before. It is very important to be able to connect with Black audiences on an authentic level while remaining respectful to their culture and communities. We’ve gathered a list of ways to do just that. Although, not extensive, it will help you get started.
Cultural immersion. Do research. Hire experts to guide your choices. Using social media channels to gather information on things that are trending within that group can also provide good insight.
Avoid stereotypes & microaggressions. A microaggression is a back-handed compliment that feeds into a stereotype. For example, referencing that it is amazing that all Black Americans are good sprinters. Avoiding stereotypes all together is very important. Let go of any preconceived ideas that may exist in order to remain open to view the world through the lense of different cultures.
Know that systemic racism is real and understand it. Look up the “school-to-prison” pipeline if you’ve never heard of this. We’re sure you have but just in case… it states that boys of color are systematically disciplined more harshly. They also receive less support through counseling and police are more likely to be called on students of color that misbehave. This raises the risk of incarceration for these children. “60% of incarcerated people, are people of color,” according to a research study on systemic racism by Health Affairs. This is only one small example of systemic racism among many. Knowing that this is real and how it causes harm/trauma to the Black community will be essential to connecting.
Remember that people are multifaceted. Again, this also implies DO NOT stereotype. Understand that Black cultures (as well as other cultures) consist of many types of people. Doctors, engineers, teachers, etc. They can often be disproportionately portrayed as entertainers, criminals, you get the idea. Also, intersectionality exists for everyone, including you and I. Really anyone for that matter. For example, a woman also follows a certain religion, she falls within a particular income bracket and a certain nationality. Therefore, sexuality, income, citizenship and ability all must be considered.
This is just a couple of main points, of many, that will help brand connect with their Black communities. It is in no way considered to be a comprehensive guide but mainly a starting point. If your brand was looking for help on ways to connect with their Black audiences we hope this helps. Personal connections are key to understanding all of your audiences and should be considered top priority.