Word of mouth marketing is the oldest advertising strategy out there. Although times may have changed greatly to that of a digital age, one thing is for sure, WOM is still the most common way that people find a brand. 92% of consumers trust recommendations from friends and WOM marketing influences 99% of B2B purchases. Those numbers are truly staggering. In our digital world, WOM is no longer restricted its literal meaning. It now extends into the online space and is just as important, if not more, on social media. This is the new word of mouth. Instead of telling one or a few people, you can tell thousands if not millions. It will spread through the grape vine quickly.
Organic, unproduced and authentic found content. That is the wave of the future and 2023 advertising trends are leaning toward it. Trusted and proven time and time again to be more trustworthy by consumers and influential for purchasing power of your audience. Found content can help your brand engage, equip and empower your audience. It creates emotional connections with your audience. It can give your customers a reason to talk through product reviews, social media challenges or just a revel over a great UGC clip embedded to your advertisement. It can also empower them to spark conversations and share the love of your brand. Found content is the new word of mouth and there are millions of new pieces uploaded every day. Brands that incorporate this tactic into their campaigns are taking it to the next level. If you haven’t already done so, take your brand to the next level. Contact us today about using found content in your next advertising campaign.