How to Create a Focus Group for Company Data

Focus groups are an important research tool for agencies in understanding their audience. They can be done to be aware of demographics, psychographics and behavioral patterns of their customers. This information can be obtained through surveys but a focus group provides the brand with a deeper understanding of their consumer. That being said, it’s important to ask the right questions when you want to get specific information. Here are some tips to coming up with the right questions for your research.

  1. Use open-ended questions: Some examples would include. What do you think about…? How do you feel about …? Where do you get new information about….? What do you like best about…?

  2. Avoid dichotomous questions: these are questions that can be answered with yes and no. These types of questions will not help you gain much insight into the group.

  3. Why questions are rarely used. keep in mind that why is a rarely used question but can sometimes be relevant depending on the goal of the focus group. For example, it can be used in a follow up situation such as, do you feel that the price matches the value? Why?

  4. Limit questions: No one wants to be there all-day answering questions. Keep them concise and on topic.

  5. Use different types of questions: there are five types

    1. Opening

    2. Introductory

    3. Transition

    4. Key

    5. Ending

  6. Ask questions that get participants involved: a good question here would be to use “think back” questions that take people back in reflection of their choices.

These tips will help your focus group team come up with good questions that will gain a deeper understanding of the group. When creating the questions, it’s important to vary the way in which the group will answer. Here are some ideas for question strategies.

1.     Give them a list of alternative answers

2.     Fill in the blank

3.     Ask them to make a list

4.     Rate something from 1-10

5.     Fantasy questions (Think back or what if)

6.     Role playing questions

7.     Ownership questions (What do you do?)

8.     Paint a picture question

When creating the questions for the focus group, it will be important to start general and get more specific as you go. Be very clear with wording and goals of the group. Make sure to end the focus group with closing questions, such as, of all the things asked today, which was most important to you? Are there any topics we did not ask about that you feel is relevant? A focus group will really help your brand get to know your audience on a deeper level and better suit their service/product needs. People want to be met where they are at. Personalization is the expectation not the exception.