Erma Proetz was the first woman to be inducted into the Advertising Hall of Fame. She was a copywriter, account executive, director, creative vice president and executive vice president, who spent most of her advertising career at Gardner Advertising Company in St. Louis. She received multiple awards for her advertisements in the 1920’s and in 1935, Fortune Magazine named her in the top 16 most outstanding women in American Business. For the time, this was quite a feat and a step in the right direction for women’s rights, well before the equality movement in the 60’s. She became the president of the Women’s Advertising Club of St. Louis in 1936 and served as chair(wo)man of the Council of Women’s Clubs of the Advertising Federation of America. Needless to say, she was quite the powerhouse during her time before she passed in 1944. Quite an impressive resume for the time she was alive as a woman living in a man’s world before women had equal rights. She was inducted into the Advertising Hall of Fame in 1952.