Common Mistakes to Avoid in the UGC Space

UGC found content is a very effective way to market your brand. It helps create an emotional connection, reduce marketing spend, engage your audience and make your brand stand out from the rest. However, it’s important to know what good practices are when creating a UGC found content campaign. Here are some common pitfalls to avoid and why you should steer clear of them in order to have a successful campaign launch.

1.     Publishing without permission: chances are that if you’re already working with us this isn’t an issue for you. For the rest of you, all content created is the rightful property of the creator(s). Legal permissions must be obtained in order to use someone else’s content, may it be a photo, video, slide, etc. it doesn’t matter what the said content is, you MUST get permission to legally use it under copyright laws.

2.     Not using organic creators: when someone isn’t genuine, the public can smell this a mile away. People crave authenticity and the content used in UGC found content advertising should reflect this. It is not the same as influencer marketing. UGC is real people, doing real-life situational things. This is what makes it relatable. If the videos are overly produced or seem scripted, then your audience is likely to ignore it in your campaign or write it off as just another boring ad.

3.     Using UGC in your ads only one time: using UGC in your found content campaign can extend your reach. It will most likely be shared by others who have been featured. If your brand is serious about its marketing and advertising strategies then you will want to adopt UGC found campaigns as part of that cycle.

4.     Not engaging: UGC found content campaigns engage the communities and audiences more than produced content ads will. It’s important to stay on top of the conversations that are being sparked by your found content ads. Keep the momentum going and let your audience know that you see and hear them. Each individual does matter and will be treated as such by your brand.

People are sick of being sold to. UGC found content campaigns are a good way to spark conversations around your brand without people feeling like it’s being shoved down their throats. It’s important to stay away from these top pit falls in order to drive a successful ad containing UGC content. We’re always here for you when you need UGC for your next ad!