The first female publisher in U.S. history was Eliza Jane Nicholson. She ran the Daily Picayune from 76’-96’. And when we say that, we mean 1876-1896! Not only was the first female publisher, she owned the entire major newspaper. She moved to New Orleans to become a professional journalist and began working for the Daily Picayune, where she wrote under the name, Pearl Rivers. It was here that she met her husband, Alva Holbrook, who was the owner of this paper. When she married him, the paper was in financial turmoil but after her husband passed and she took the lead, it became profitable once again! Interesting side note, Holbrook’s ex-wife attempted to murder Eliza but all to no avail. She fought for women to be hired at the paper and fostered equal pay. Quite a feat for someone of her time when these things were still quite taboo. We would like to celebrate her on this final day of Women’s History Month and all other women in all industries fighting to for women’s equality all over the world. Equality and freedom transcend time and geography!