When I say Nike, you think… we’re pretty sure the image that came to mind was the iconic Nike swoosh. This is a prime example of brand salience. It sounds similar to brand awareness but they are different. Brand awareness focuses on measuring overall visibility during the entire customer journey. Salience is a measure of awareness during the actual purchasing decision. The Nike swoosh might come to top of mind when you want a new pair of kicks. So, how do brands increase their salience?
1. Tap into emotions: emotion creates a long-term memory. People often buy based on emotion and not logic. UGC found content advertising is a great way to tap into this.
2. Create memorable branding: memorable images, ads, etc. Uniqueness will make you stand out from the competitors and staying true to your mission.
3. Expand awareness: brand awareness intersects brand salience. Expanding your brand reach is important to gaining new customers to increase salience.
4. Consistency is key: use newsletter, digital ads, commercials, social media marketing, etc. Getting your brand out into the world often means more eyes on it more often.
5. Constantly test and improve: you only stop growing when you stop learning. It’s important to use this mindset in business. The more your brand tests campaigns through Google analytics, surveys and revenue, the more you will understand what works and what doesn’t. this will ensure that you get the right material in front of your audience that will resonate with them on a deeper level.
With fierce competition everywhere, if your brand masters salience it will come to mind first during purchasing decisions. It’s an important factor for brand success In order to become a household name.