They say laughter is good for the soul and humor is making a comeback in the advertising world right now. I mean, who can blame brands? This type of advertising works for a plethora of reasons. The Journal of Marketing found that “humor is more likely to enhance recall, evaluation, and purchase intention when the humorous message coincides with ad objectives, is well integrated with those objectives, and is viewed as appropriate for the product category.” People love humor. They remember it. 90% more to be exact, according to Oracle. They also connect with it… and they connect with user-generated content more than paid advertising. So, why not put these two together to give yourself a recipe for advertising success? Our recent agency partners at Erich & Kallman did just this with their UGC campaign for Impossible Foods. Humans are emotional beings and tapping into this is a great way to create lasting relationships with consumers. Humor and UGC both have a way of creating positive emotions toward the brand which results in customer loyalty and engagement. In the case of humor, this is possibly caused by the cognitive humor effect. This effect occurs when the viewer becomes distracted due to the humor stimulus that diverts their attention from the original focus (the brand/product). Either way, the parallels between the two are eerie. Aside from what’s noted above, they both also increase trustworthiness to further boost brand credibility. This is why we believe that combining these two methods is a great way to improve advertising your brand. Together we can work to keep advertising fun!