“To infinity, and beyond!” This is where UGC takes your brand. To the land of infinite possibilities. “Why?” you may ask yourself. Well, let’s break it down. UGC is created constantly. Every minute of every day. According to Statista, about 500 hours of content was uploaded every day during the month in February of 2022. That’s not just a lot of content… that is a staggering, I can’t even wrap my head around it, amount of content. We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again. We could work on the same project twice and find completely new content for the same specific brief within months of each other. This unlimited pool allows for brands and advertisers to keep their campaigns fresh. Let’s talk about point two now. Content is never going to go away. With the rise of the smart device era, it dawned a new technological time where everyone in the world has content producing software at their fingertips. After that the spawn of social media. Now, there’s not a chance in Hades that it’s going anywhere. People now rely on social media for so many things other than just posting about their lives. Catching up with old friends, news, shopping, business networking. You name it and social media has a place for it. Some people actually use social media as their main source of income, such as creators and influencers. We’ve worked with many and this is their livelihood. Our last point; obtaining UGC is very cost effective comparatively to its production counterparts. Licensing can be tricky, but that is why we specialize in this but overall, it is fairly priced in most cases, and we’ll get you the best deals that are also fair to the creators themselves. We’ve worked with over thousands of creators and influencers. This is not our first rodeo and we work hard for our partners. That said, content is QUEEN and she’s staying put. If you want to reach for the stars, then partnering with us will allow you to fly into infinite possibilities.