Using Grateful Practices to Expand Your Business

Every morning I sit and journal for 20 minutes to unload my mind and declutter my thoughts. If you’ve ever read The 5 am Club by Robin Sharma, then you know what this 20/20/20 rule is all about. I digress though. If you want to know what it’s about you’ll have to read the book. Wink Wink. Once I’m done with this journaling practice, I write down 5 things I am grateful for that day. It can be as complicated as, “I am grateful for the ability to shift my focus to things I can control when I am burdened with situations that are out of my control.” Or they can be as simple as. “I am grateful that I woke up today or for the roof over my head.”  

Business is truly about the relationships that we foster. Our relationships with other businesses, our team, and our customers are all equally important. According to Forbes, 134% of people are more likely to stay in work cultures where leaders prioritize gratitude. As a leader do you want your company to be fueled by gratitude to grow? Of course, you do. Who wouldn’t? As leaders, we’re always seeking ways to expand our businesses but usually, this is done through business strategies and less of a mindset approach. However, practicing gratitude can transform your mindset and your business model. When people feel heard they feel valued so while simple thank you’s are nice, they aren’t all you need to cultivate a gratitude culture at work.

To embrace gratitude as a business skill you need to practice a few things.

1.     Self-reflection for what you are grateful for in your business and why daily

2.     Enhance relationships with your team through genuine appreciation for your team and others you do business with

3.      Promote growth by being grateful for what your business already has and it will create new opportunities

4.     Advocate positivity at work and create gratitude routines as an entrepreneur

You can use these tools and grateful practices to overcome challenges and increase employee satisfaction. Following just a few strategies as a leader can improve your business model. What is it that they say? “Your attitude determines your latitude.” Your mind is your most powerful weapon.