Ad Viewability

What’s more important CTR or your ad being viewed? We’ll wait while you think about this….

What did you decide? Was it viewability?

Generation Alpha

Generation Alpha will outnumber the Baby Boomer generation within the next four years, according to Mccrindle. These numbers are significant as the Boomers were listed on Pew Research Center at about 72 million in 2019 and, according to HubSpot, Gen Alpha is expected to grow to over 2 billion by 2025. Why does this even matter when currently the oldest Gen Alpha is merely 12 years old? It matters because when these little guys and gals grow into adults, they will be the ones that advertisers will be trying to appeal to on top of Gen X, Y, and Z. it will be important to understanding what things makes this generation unique in order to properly advertise to them.

Explanation of Terms in the UGC Space

UGC. User generated content. Sourced content. Found content. What do all these terms mean? People get confused by what it is and how they are different. We thought we’d clarify a few things for you. They’re not different. All of these terms are literally synonymous with one another! They all mean the exact same thing. It’s anything on the internet.

Friday Favorite 9/16/22

This week turns to women’s retirement inequality awareness for TIAA. The ongoing campaign, #retireinequality coined this powerful piece, “The Dress.” In a collaboration between The Martin Agency and fashion designer, Fe Noel, they constructed a dress made of paper bills. The dress totals up to $1.6 million dollars, which is meant to represent the amount that women will lose for their retirement over their lifetime due to the 30% wage gap.

Ensuring a Great Brand Reputation

While in our personal lives, we agree that Joanne Jett got it right, from a business stand point your brand’s reputation is everything! Building your brand is hard enough and ensuring that its reputation remains intact requires work, but the stronger it is, the more your audience will trust you and become ambassadors for you for a lifetime. So, what influences brand reputation?

Tips for Increasing Brand Awareness

90% of organizations say that their goal is to increase brand awareness, according to Hootsuite. But why is brand awareness important? I think that’s obvious really. It helps your audience know who you are. They can recall your brand off hand and the more people that can do that, the more revenue you will receive. If your brand is at the top of their mind, they are more likely to buy from you than another. Ok, so it’s definitely important but now how do you go about achieving it? There are many ways but we will start with a quick guide of the ways that we feel are top priority to help get you there.

Calculating Risk vs Reward

We all make mistakes, especially in business. But to repeat those mistakes is another story. Making mistakes are important. It is how we learn and improve as business owners. In business there will always be risks involved. But sometimes you must weigh the risks vs the rewards to see if that risk is even worth taking. But how do we do that? How do you discern whether those decisions foolish or calculated? Let’s first define a calculated risk.

Ways to Incorporate UGC Into Your Marketing Strategy

It’s no secret that we love UGC. It’s what we do and we’re passionate about it! We deal with UGC in the advertising campaign spaces mostly. However, there are some other areas of marketing that you can use this powerful tool. First, let’s talk about UGC in advertising since that’s what we specialize in. This is a great way to get consumers to trust your brand seeing real people in real-life situations that your audience can relate to. This type of UGC marketing will increase your ROI immensely. Let’s dive in to the other ways your brand can use it for marketing strategies.

Friday Favorite 9/9/22

This week we turn to the fashion industry. Did you know that, “every 25 minutes, an Olympic size swimming pools worth of crude oil is used in the production of synthetic clothing?” We knew that the fashion industry was terrible for the environment but had no idea that it was this bad!

UX Design

What does UX and UI stand for? UX stand for user experience that refers to how people interact with a product or service as well as their over journey engaging with your product or service. UI stands for user interface and is relates to the aesthetic visual properties of a digital product, such as a website

Price Change Discussions

Ah, money. The uncomfortable topic that everyone avoids like the plague in our relationships, at work, with friends. Pretty much anywhere, really. Many businesses have had to make pricing changes and/or increases these past few months with the skyrocketing economy. Aside from this, there are other reasons that your business may have to raise pricing, such as vendor/subscription price hikes and increasing service demands to name a few. So, we thought we’d chat about the do’s and don’ts of doing this. Let’s start with the things that you should do when changing pricing.

Work Schedule Flexibility

The pandemic literally changed how we all view work. It increased the work-life balance by 43% of people surveyed by Qualtrics. We all know that the old-school mentality bosses are terrified that people will take advantage of this flexibility. However, there is this cool little thing called gift exchange theory that is responsible for 55% of people working more hours remotely than at the office.

Labor Day 2022

Every year, the first Monday in September is set aside as an annual celebration of the social and economic achievements of American workers. Today we take a pause from our regular broadcast blog to talk about Labor Day: its history, its founders, etc. it has been recognized long before it became an official holiday on February 21st 1887 by the state of Oregon.

Friday Favorite 9/2/22

With the recent release of the prequal to Game of Thrones, House of the Dragon, we felt compelled to feature one of their newest advertisements for the show. We’re not going to lie, we’re really big fans of both! This ad was featured on Official Media Samosa. This interactive ad was located in Brazil and features a black, melted bus stop billboard as part of the piece.

Anniversario di Quattro Anni

And just like that, our boutique, white glove service content agency turns 4 years old today. There have been so many ups, downs, challenges and rewards. If I were asked what the most beneficial times were for us in the past 4 years, I would have to say the hard ones, or the downs. T

B2B Influencer Marketing

We all know what influencer marketing is at this point. But how does business to consumer influencer marketing differ from business to business influencer marketing?

Outbound vs Inbound Marketing

Outbound marketing: traditional form of marketing in which the company/brand initiates contact with potential customers. Inbound marketing: attracts customers by creating valuable content and experiences personalized for them. Both have a place in the marketing world but we do favor inbound over outbound in today’s world.

Content Marketing: The Why, The How and The Where

What in the world is content marketing exactly? What makes it different than traditional marketing? Well, “it’s a strategic approach that focuses on creating and distributing valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience” (Content Marketing Institute). Think of it this way. It’s much less spammy than traditional ads and doesn’t really pitch your product or services. Instead, it presents your audience with content that helps them solve their issues through the use of videos, blogs, social media, infographics, etc. with the intention of stimulating interest. But why is this type of marketing more prevalent now than it was 20 years ago?

Friday Fun Favorite 8/26/22

This week is a fun one from European Legal Group ARAG called, “Legal Needs Are in Your Future.” Featuring the infamous Sanderson sister, Mary from Hocus Pocus, Kathy Najimy, as she acts as a comedic fortune teller giving out legal warnings to her clientele.

Pareto Principle

I’m sure you’ve all heard of the 80/20 rule but probably not in the way we mean for this article in terms of economics. The 80/20 rule states that 80% of your results come from 20% of causes. It was observed by a man named Vilfredo Pareto in 1896. This principle explains the correlation between effort and outcome. So, how can this be applied to business? Using this technique can help prioritize tasks that are of highest impact throughout your work day. Here are a few detailed ways that you can use the Pareto Principle in your business.